Water enthusiasts of all ages enjoy Sokol Washington’s annual 15-mile canoe trip down the South Fork of the Shenandoah River. The aim of Sokol Washington outdoor activities is not only to promote physical fitness but also to foster enjoyment of nature and appreciation for our area’s natural resources.
So, join us for a day of fun and adventure on one of America’s most beautiful rivers as you paddle through the Shenandoah Valley with Shenandoah National Park to the East and George Washington National Forest to the West.
Over the years Sokol Washington members and friends have enjoyed canoe and rafting trips during various seasons of the year. These are always fun and well attended. We hope you can join us at our many outdoor exploits, and, we are always open to sponsoring additional outings if anyone wishes to initiate such activities.
9:15AM sharp from the HQ of Downriver Canoe Company, VA (884 Indian Hollow Road Bentonville, VA 22610-2206, (540) 635-5526)
TRIP #5:
J.R.’S CAMPGROUND (5hrs.) This full day’s paddling adventure begins right where the river “gets good” about 4 miles above Compton Rapid (class I.- II.) [Trip #4 if water is low]
by Wednesday June 11th to Tibor at tbartalos@sokolwashington.org
Minimum age: 5 with close parental supervision!
No glass containers on the river!
Musical instruments are welcome!
From Washington, D.C.
Follow interstate 66 West off the beltway for 54 miles to the first Front Royal exit (exit 13-Linden/Front Royal); exit here and pick up route 55 West and follow it 5 miles into Front Royal; keep going straight (past McDonald’s) to a “T” intersection (3rd traffic light); turn left on to route 340 south and follow it 10 miles to the village of Bentonville; just past a big white church on your right, turn right on to route 613 (Indian Hollow Road) and follow it 1 mile; as you emerge from the woods you will encounter two outfitters. Downriver Canoe Company is the outfitter on the right.
Annual One Day Canoe Trip
Bentonville, Shenandoah River