Although not an activity sponsored by Sokol Washington, Bača Cup Ski Race is closely connected to our Unit and every year many of our members delight in attending this event.
The founder and the driving force behind this event was Brother Jiri (Bača) Parma, a long-time Sokol Washington member. When he and his family moved to the hills of Pennsylvania, he wanted to stay connected to the Czech and Slovak community of Washington DC and his Sokol friends, and so the Bača Ski Race was born.
The event is described on the Bača Cup website in the following way:
“The Bača Cup is an international invitational alpine racing event that first started in 1979. Racer of all ages and nationalities are invited to participate, as representatives from Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and the United States take part in this annual event that highlights the relationship between all countries and their shared love of the Nordic experience. Truly, the Bača’s vision of cooperation, competition, and good fun is realized through all who choose to be involved.”
Bača Cup Ski Race
Roundtop Mountain